Ocean Beach Ibiza - Venue Bookings Map
Services: Illustration / Interactive Design
Concept: To generate the Ocean Beach Ibiza bookings map for the Ocean Beach website, initially for the 2013 season. And then to update the map with the annual venue changes for the 2014, 2015, 2016 & 2017 seasons. To experience the interactive map online please visit the Ocean Beach website and click the 'book beds' link.. http://www.oceanbeachibiza.com
A gif demonstrating the venue changes each season. For the 2015 season the client wanted the map to be zoomable, so a vector redraw was necessary.
2013 - original illustration
2014 - venue edit
2015 - vector redraw & venue edit
2016 - venue edit
2017 - venue edit
2017 - Rollovers